
Today, operating rooms in major hospitals throughout the industrialized world are equipped with a wide range of specialized machines designed to achieve a single set of goals: help the surgical team to perform as fast and efficiently as possible operation. Medical technology also plays a crucial role in patient safety through the monitoring of vital signs (body temperature, blood pressure and respiration), warning of possible impending complications, and helping to head them off before they become fatal. According to the Encyclopedia of Surgery, machines used in operating rooms can be grouped into four main categories. Emergency and Life Support Equipment.
When the heart has to be stopped during surgery or prisons unexpectedly on the operating table, the patient becomes unable to breathe without the help so a machine heart-lung circulation, also known as a cardiopulmonary bypass pump, is used to remove carbon dioxide from the blood and replace it with oxygen needed to sustain life. A bomb of intra-aortic balloon helps reduce pressure on the heart, increasing the blood flow to the coronary arteries, while the patient's vital signs are continuously monitored and displayed on the machine's console. A ventilator (or respirator) is also maintained close to control or stabilize breathing. Infusions of saline, anesthesia, blood and drugs are delivered by a programmable pump, the fluid bags suspended from an IV pole next to the operating table. In the case of vital signs to divert the danger zone, a portable cart, called the accident, resuscitation or code cart, stocked with emergency resuscitation equipment is always close by.
Monitoring Equipment
Good maintenance and cleaning of the operating room is essential to the maintenance of aseptic technique.
1 - General cleaning
The operating room must be completely clean and free of dust, through:
Weekly cleaning with antiseptics
cleaning and removal of all equipment from the operating room;
washing walls, windows, lamps and brackets;
cleaning of air conditioning and fans;
emptying and restocking the cupboards;
mop the floor with damp cloth or by vacuuming, using disinfectants.
Daily cleaning with antiseptics
must be made at the end of the day so as not to accumulate dust.
empty and clean all continents (buckets, etc ...);
wash the operating table;
use a rag with disinfectant solution for moving around equipment and furniture;
wash the floor with disinfectant solution;
fill glass and fill the stock cabinets.
2 Preparation of the dressing room
remove all clothes to the laundry;
Replacing clean clothes;
dust the furniture;
clean the floor with disinfectant solution.
3 Preparation of the pre-operative room
clear all metals;
Empty all buckets and vacuums;
clean and disinfect the pits for animals;
wash the floor;
dusting and reset all solutions.
All instrumental, used and not used should be removed from the operating room after a surgery and the surgical table should be cleaned and disinfected, and the floor. Other important for maintaining antisepsis in surgery factors include the limited admission of people dressing appropriately limit the movements of personnel in the operating room and the reduced level of conversation to a minimum.